Township of Tay

The Township of Tay is a “community of communities” which work together to build a prosperous and progressive future.

Tay is proud of its heritage and value the unique environmental features, waterfront areas, and natural setting that are a part of our community.

Through tourism, agriculture, commerce and industry, Tay endeavors to develop a diverse and stable local economy, which is compatible with the environment and lifestyles.

Tay strives to ensure a range of community services to provide residents and visitors with lifelong opportunities in our community.

Tay has a strong history of partnerships in the Township and is committed to building upon and using these partnerships to achieve broad community development goals and ensure that Tay remains a safe, affordable and active community.

Township of Tay Municipal Office

450 Park Street
Victoria Harbour ON L0K 2A0


Southern Georgian Bay Chamber of Commerce

208 King Street (Lower Level)
Midland, ON L4R 3L9


North Simcoe Community Futures

105 Fourth Street
Midland, ON L4R 4K6


Township of Tay